Day 5 :: New Moon Equinox Ritual :: with garlicy carrot top recipe

Today is the time to celebrate not only the New Moon, but the Spring Equinox! As part of our Soup & Story series, we are having a simple ritual here at the farm led by Moona Cancino to celebrate the coming of Spring. Moona has been hangin' out here at the farm for a few weeks now helping us as we step into Spring. Scrubbing and painting, dusting and preparing for today's New Moon gathering. Since she's been here we have appreciated her careful use of greens and herbs. Here [...]


Makings of a Manifesto :: 5 Books that still inspire me

I came to traditional foods and urban farming first through my slow-food Food Cart, Fold Crêperie way back in 2003-6. I was one of the first food-carts to use organic farm-based ingredients and Slow food principles in my cooking or to appear in a gourmet food magazine. When I was interviewed (without my knowing it of course) by Nancy Rommelmann of Bon Appetite magazine in 2005, I told her that what she saw wasn't actually a business, or even a restaurant, but a large scale sculptural piece, an art installation. It [...]


Daily Question :: the practice of humility in the age of “attraction”

When I was about 23 I started a regular practice. Let's call it the Daily Question. It did it every day in the shower. Now that I know about Permaculture and don't shower every single day I do it first thing when I wake up ~ before anything else. It is really quite simple. Ask yourself, what is my question for the day? What is my sincere heart's desire? Another way of getting to it is to ask yourself:  What am I confused about? Then hold this question close to [...]


And the Skies Parted :: confessions of a ceremonial smoker

Morning Poem This morning smoke curves up the hillside trees. And last night drifts across our faces like a poem. “Like smoke we take advantage of the wind,” you said. ~ Ron Talney I have some things to say about smoking. It's been building up for awhile. While I do agree that pack a day smoking of chemically laden cigarettes is harmful to your health, I also have a beef with the current notion that intermittent or hidden smoking is something to be ashamed of in all cases. You see [...]


The Moon was Full Last Night :: why I work with trauma

I have been thinking a lot about my calling in life, my work in the world and how it has evolved over my 44 years. I have been asking myself, Why do I work with trauma? Why have I spent so many hours and years wondering and working to understand what happens in trauma. The truth is I did it for myself. When I was 14 I sank into a deep depression. I stayed in bed for days. I had no idea why, I just felt horrible. It came back [...]


Nervous Breakthroughs :: why you need more of them

Nervous Breakthrough: Derived from the oft referred to Nervous Breakdown, a Nervous Breakthrough occurs when, instead of viewing the symptoms of the aforementioned as pathological, one views them as important signs of imminent breakthrough. I once had a roommate who had spent about ten years practicing Zazen (a form of Buddhist meditation) who described the day she completed a koan after many years of meditation. She reported that she lost her physical ability to do some of the most simple everyday things, like tie her shoes, and walk down the [...]


Grief Gates :: how allowing your grief can get you through

There is a Palace that opens only to tears - The Zohar I want to get really honest about grief, about what I call The Weeping. I have been in the closet about it for many years, only ever being half honest about how important the release of grief is. I was reminded once and for all last weekend at Sobonfu Some’s Grief Ritual. It was clean. It was raw. It was real. It was all out miraculous for one who has harbored snippets of release behind closed doors. This [...]


The Weeping :: the world’s most ancient healing art

May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in. ~Mother Theresa I have been talking about the weeping for many years. Mostly just with myself and the Angels. I sometimes describe it to people to explain why crying isn't such a bad thing, when it is done right. Why I cling to tears as holy water, as sacred balm, as my birthright. There is a certain kind of crying that is a surrender, a pouring out, and then, a clearing. It is the broken-open heart. Finding [...]


New Year Sustainable Santa Alert!

Santa is going green. Really. In fact he has been running a top secret pilot project for the last five years (we were lucky enough to be a part of it) and is now ready to launch the program worldwide. Here is what you can expect starting Christmas 2014: Santa's pilot recycling project has gotten the full green light for this Christmas season. Santa will make 2 stops at each home instead of one. On Christmas eve he will not only drop off special inspiring eco-gifts, but he will also [...]


Teach Your Daughters Wailing :: the power of mourning women

It is Winter. The waters are frozen. The trees are bare. The heart is still as the season of death descends and the sound of grief echoes in the quiet sleeping garden of the soul. Winter is characterized by water, the healing water of tears. We invite the ancestors in the Fall and in the Winter we allow our grief to swell and emerge. Not just any tears, but the sacred tears of measured grief offered to the ancestors once and for all. This is the essential lesson of the [...]

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