Doing it Different @Tierra Soul

Recently I (Krista) was interviewed for the Mom's Who Do It Different Tele-Series with Sherry Rothwell. I had the chance to talk quite a bit about Permaculture and Lazy-Lady Living as well as about our path toward Financial Freedom while maintaining our Renegade Pioneering Spirit. Just click the "Interview with Sherry"link below. We think you're gonna love it! Love it? Consider subscribing to the complete ‘Mamaprenuers Who Do it Different’ interview series where Sherry interviews women who are just like you and well known mentors (and healers) who can help [...]


Plant Your Entire Garden While watching Mad Men . . . on the couch (no joke)

If you're like me (Mama Soul) you have the best of intentions for planting a garden, but even when the weather is right you tend to procrastinate. It's partly because your too lazy to bend over to do the planting, and then you have to count 2-3 seeds and dig holes of certain depths for each variety. It's enough to make you want to scream, especially if you're a beginner. It also has to do with that sore back or creaky knees you seem to be able to ignore most [...]


It is All in the Lard, Lady

Dear Hettie, I love the soap at Tierra Soul. Is the recipe a farm secret? Lori (a Farm-Stay Guest) It is all in the Lard, Lady! When we passed this question on to Madame Hettie, she didn't even skip a beat before answering. She's right, Lard is our secret, and now it can be yours! Of course we teach a whole segment on this topic called Urban Apothecary: Soaps Salves Tinctures and Tonics in our Lazy-Lady Living program, but we want to give you some tips right now so you [...]


Will Your Carrots Grow if Theyre Not In A Row?

Dear Hettie, I am an urban farmer, but recently heard about wildcrafting and wonder, is it is compatible with what I'm already doing? ~ Jennifer Well, says Hettie, You really should know about a thing called "backyard wildcrafting." Let me explain: Urban farming is all the rage. in our hometown of Portland, Oregon. There are small scale agricultural projects all over the place, in backyards, in restaurant side-yards and vacant lots. It's exciting, and also a little frustrating. For the most part they look like this: "That's pretty," you say. [...]


Tierra Soul Style Italian Soda, a lacto-fermented cold infusion

This recipe is a wonderful lacto-fermented cold infusion of Hibiscus and Rose Hips (cold infusion protects the delicate Vitamin C of the Hibiscus and Rose Hips). It is simple and kids LOVE it. In order to make ti you will need a 2 qt. mason jar and a few bale-top brewing bottles. Ingredients • 1/2 cup Hibiscus Flowers • 1/4 cup Rose Hips • Just under 2 quarts filtered or spring water in a 2 quart mason jar • 1 lime • 1 cup raw local honey • ~ 1 [...]


Drinking Unpasteurized Milk

My family has been drinking unpasteurized milk for more than 5 years. I weaned my first child on raw milk and drank it throughout my second pregnancy. We have never been slightly sick from the milk we got while we lived in Oregon including our own fresh backyard goat milk. On the other hand, in these last five years, I have had a strong reaction to pasteurized/homogenized organic milk while on vacation in Canada. In the mid Fall of 2011 we moved to Mexico. At first we lived without milk [...]


Tierra Soul no-one can not-love this Liver Paté Recipe

Really. It's true. Even I like it! INGREDIENTS: 1 qt. buttermilk 1/2 lb grass fed beef liver (or whatever) 2 large packs of bacon (or more. he he he) 5 medium onions caramelized in one stick of butter 2 sticks of butter juice of 2 lemons 8 cloves garlic 1/2 tsp cinnamon 6 dashes cayenne salt to taste METHOD: Soak Liver in Butter milk overnight. Drain and put in baking dish with bacon and cook til done Dice garlic in the Cuisinart Add Liver and bacon with all the fat [...]


Homemade Baby “Formula”

Just like you would feed yourself and your family foods that truly nourish and sustain them, so too you can feed you precious newborn, infant, or toddler hand crafted real food. If you want, or need, to supplement your breastmilk (a little or completely) this homemade baby formula is an excellent, well researched, and far superior alternative to commercial formula. Oh, and no, Sally Fallon and I are NOT against breast-feeding! We're against COMMERCIAL FORMULA feeding and mother guilt! All mothers can feed their babies well - even if it's [...]


Oh No, Sour Milk!

Dear Hettie, We can't drink all our milk before it goes sour. It's so precious, what can I do to prevent it in the future? ~ Heather Well, Hettie says, sour milk is not really something to prevent. Rotten milk is and that is really only a problem with bad or pasteurized milk. Really, she assures you, souring is just the first stage in raw milk's alchemical transformation into one of nature's perfect foods: cheese. Cheese (as long as it's made from quality fresh raw milk) has everything you need [...]

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