Cabinets of Wonder :: move over new age altars

I went to the movies the other night . . . The film was called Wonderstruck and it was loosely related to museums. Anyway, at one point in the film, one of the narrator explained the phenomenon of "Cabinets of Wonder". Wikipedia defines them like this: Cabinets of curiosities (also known in German loanwords as Kunstkabinett, Kunstkammer or Wunderkammer; also Cabinets of Wonder, and wonder-rooms) were encyclopedic collections of objects whose categorical boundaries were, in Renaissance Europe, yet to be defined... "The Kunstkammer was regarded as a microcosm or theater of [...]


Day 2 :: fair share, self care and needs

All human beings have needs and they are pretty much the same for everyone. The truth is that the vast majority of the world's population, rich and poor, is not getting their needs met. The poor are most often the focus of "Fair Share" conversations in permaculture circles and beyond. It is certainly true that physical well-being needs are less often met in poorer communities. But often other needs, like the need for connection or the need for autonomy, are more commonly met among the poor and working poor. For [...]


Permaculture Design Certificate, 10 things you can do with yours

Q: Why would I want to pay for and earn a Permaculture Design Certificate? A: You're kidding right? I mean one of our major influences here at Tierra Soul is Permaculture. Its ethics and principles make up a set of tools you can carry anywhere, into any profession, any endeavor. The essence of permaculture that it is a paradigm of sustainability for all things, all things here on earth from the stone to the stars and maybe even beyond. What is covered in a Permaculture Design Certificate? Like us, those [...]


What is Permaculture?

Q: Dear Hettie -- I love organic gardening and want to do more. I want to be more ecological and self-sustaining. I've heard the term "permaculture" used by like minded acquaintances, but I can't really pin-point exactly what people mean by it. What is permaculture? Can learning about it help me do more for my family and the earth? A: Well, says Hettie, In 1978 Bill Mollison and David Holmgren coined the phrase “Permaculture” to describe a set of agricultural principles that mimic the way Mother Nature sets up her gardens all over [...]


Sacred Foods for Fertility

In traditional cultures around the world certain fertility foods have been revered as sacred due to their important place in fertility and reproduction. Traditional peoples were not just concerned about the basic health of their offspring. They knew that the degeneration of health happens progressively over generations. Thus, a man and woman realized that they had to eat not only for their health and the health of their children, but also for the health of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Woman regularly bore over 10 healthy children well into their forties [...]


Trust Love

I hear it all the time: Birth is Safe. Trust Birth. As a Birth Keeper, this slogan kept me from stepping out on my own. I thought I had to wait until I could guarantee safety in birth. As a mother, it stirred a sense of guilt. You see, when I went into labor something happened. It was unexpected and it was bigger than me. It was NOT safe. It came from outside, a flurry of energies in my sacred birth space. It came from within, something deep, something old [...]
